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Ted Nugent Declares That He Is A 'Motown Black Man' Who Will Free Democratic 'Slaves'

Ted Nugent has had quite a start to 2016, posting anti-Semitic messages on his Facebook page and ludicrously declaring that he is a war hero, all of which came just weeks after he called for President Obama and Hillary Clinton to be killed.

Nugent, a board member of the NRA, kept it up with a bizarre column for WorldNetDaily yesterday in which he said that he is a “Motown black man” who is intent on freeing other black people from their “modern slave masters known as the Democratic Party.”

As a large, in charge, Motown black man my bad-self, who honed my Sonic Baptizm, soul-cleansing soulmusic on the greasy rhythm and blues of the musical funk and roll gods James Brown and Chuck Berry et al., and who learned and then perfected the fine art of American defiance from my hero Rosa Parks, I continue to celebrate nonstop all things good and black.

My motto has always been: Black is beautiful. Minimal exposure to my killer Detroit guitar playing would immediately reveal why I was voted the No. 1 Guitarist Alltime in Michigan a few years back. No cracker can play like that!

If you don’t like it, well funk you very much.

February is the month some Americans celebrate black history. Remembering history is good. A wise person once said that those who fail to remember history are doomed to repeat it. And sadly, repeat it we do.

It’s been over 50 years that the modern slave masters known as the Democratic Party created policies and programs designed to keep black folk down. Through their scamming so-called anti-poverty programs, the Democratic Party has enslaved far too many black Americans into a life of poverty.

Poverty runs rampant in our communities. Unemployment amongst my black brothers and sisters is double that of white Americans. And what does the Democratic Party propose doing? The same scams it has been pulling off for the past 50 years: enticing black folk to look to Uncle Sugar for the cure when it’s been Uncle Sugar who has put black folk on the poverty plantation.

The Democratic Party has preyed on black brothers and sisters for too long. What they have done to black America is arguably a crime against humanity. They have essentially killed the dream of the promised land that brother Martin Luther King spoke about, yet the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus and others still support the Democratic Party. Simply amazing.

Black power begins with recognizing who our real enemies are and who are friends are. The Democratic Party is nothing more than a pack of wolves festooned in shiny, white sheepskin. The Democratic Party has conned us into voting for them for decades, and in every instance, our votes for them have been against our own economic self-interest.