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Ted Cruz To Address Church Led By Extremist 'Prophet'

Fresh from holding a rally at South Carolina’s Bob Jones University, a school that infamously tried to use “religious liberty” arguments to defend its racist policies, Ted Cruz is now slated to address a “National Security Forum” at self-proclaimed prophet Rick Joyner’s MorningStar Church in Fort Mill, South Carolina.

The Oak Initiative, a conservative group led by Joyner, circulated an email inviting members to the forum over the weekend, which is officially hosted by the South Carolina chapter of Americans for Peace Prosperity and Security and moderated by former Rep. Mike Rogers.

We wonder if Cruz will use the event as an opportunity to court Joyner’s support, since the Texas senator has made a point to recruit some of the most extreme voices on the Religious Right.

Joyner doesn’t think America has much time left, telling viewers of his television show “Prophetic Perspective on Current Events” that President Obama’s re-election “could be the end of our republic as we know it” and that a time will come when “our only hope is a military takeover; martial law.”

Joyner cited a prophetic vision he received to predict that the devastating 2011 earthquake in Japan would push America into Nazism, and he has warned that gay marriage will usher in national destructiona second civil wardivine judgmenta ban on men and women marrying each other and the Mark of the Beast.

He has also boasted of advising several politicians, including one unnamed U.S. senator whom he told that Hurricane Katrina was God’s punishment for homosexuality.

Joyner’s prayers get results, at least according to Joyner. He has boasted that he prayed that God would bring drought to California, which he believes will soon be destroyed; fed “a huge group one time from one casserole” dish that “just never ran out”; and “instantly” prayed away the flu from America.

Other prophecies have been less successful. For instance, he warned that the military’s Jade Helm 15 exercise would usher in martial law and cited the White Horse Prophecy as a reason to believe that God would put Mitt Romney in the White House (although he wonders if Obama, whom he believes is “a wicked man,” stole the 2012 election).

Joyner can also share with Cruz his dreams about the dystopian future of America: