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Ted Cruz Joins Forces With Yet Another Anti-LGBT Extremist

On Friday, days before the crucial GOP presidential primary in Indiana, Ted Cruz announced the endorsements of 50 clergy members from the state.

In a press release, the Cruz campaign highlighted the support of Micah Clark of the American Family Association’s Indiana chapter.

“We always encourage people to vote their values,” said Micah Clark, Executive Director of the American Family Association of Indiana. “We encourage people of faith to look at a person’s record. Ted Cruz is the only truly pro-life, pro-family, and pro-religious freedom candidate for president, from either party. Ted Cruz is a true conservative champion for change.”

“I am honored to earn the support of these leaders,” said Ted Cruz. “Hoosiers want a president they can trust. They are eager to see sanity restored in Washington, and our message of jobs, freedom, and security is resonating. Carly Fiorina and I look forward to bringing common sense Hoosier values to Washington.”

Clark, like his fellow AFA leaders, has quite the record of anti-LGBT activism.

He believes that homosexuality is “has no societal benefit” and is “individually destructive and dangerous.” He’s criticized rulings that allow gay people to recognize their spouses on their death certificates and suggested that employee benefit plans recognizing same-sex couples are “subsidizing homosexual sex.”

When the Boy Scouts ended its ban on gay youth members, Clark harshly criticized the move: “What did Christ say about harming the least of these? He said it would be better to have a millstone tied around your neck and be thrown in the sea on the day of judgement than to cause a child to stumble into sin. And if we’re going to support organizations telling kids that homosexuality is okay — which is treatable, changeable, you don’t have to be homosexual, but if you are, you are at significantly higher risks of mental harm, psychical harm, emotional harm and spiritual harm — we can’t be a part of that.”

Clark once joined a letter calling on schools not to “allow ‘gay-straight alliances,’ homosexual indoctrination programs, permission for use of opposite sex restrooms, and any of the other ridiculous demands of the ‘gay’ lobby” because they would “aid child corruption.”

He attacked a fundraising campaign for a LGBT youth group by claiming that the organization “recruits teens into the homosexual lifestyle,” reprimanded a girl who wanted to wear a tuxedo to her school prom for trying to make “a sexual statement,” and encouraged LGBT young people to seek ex-gay therapy.

As we’ve said before, it seems that no anti-LGBT activist is too extreme for Ted Cruz.