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Ted Baehr: Gay Marriage Supporters Creating Tyranny and 'Are Subject to Indictment, Trial and Just Punishment'

Adding to the list of off-the-wall reactions to the Supreme Court’s decisions on two same-sex marriage cases, Religious Right activist Ted Baehr of Movieguide released a statement demanding that all officials who back marriage equality be “subject to indictment, trial and just punishment.”

He claimed that same-sex marriage is part of a Marxist plan to “abolish marriage and the family” and may one day allow dictators like Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin to rise to power in America.

“The Supreme Court’s decision today is absolutely criminal,” according to Baehr, arguing that neither the government nor voters “have the right to legalize same-sex marriage,” as it violates “God’s law” and the First Amendment’s protection of “the freedom to worship.”

“Neither the court, the state, the president, the Congress, nor even the voters have the right to legalize same-sex marriage,” Baehr says. “It violates the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, which states that Congress can’t deny anyone the freedom to worship.

Baehr notes that the idea to abolish marriage and the family comes from The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Frederich Engels, which produced such mass-murdering tyrants as Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung and Castro.

Thus, the Declaration of Independence made it clear that King George III acted illegally when he oppressed the American colonies, because he was under the law of God. Countries that allowed men to rule above the law have produced tyrants, such as Stalin, Hitler and Mao Tse Tung. Current examples include Mugabwe, Castro and the military junta in Burma, among many others. Baehr condemns the idea spread by “misguided, mendacious” proponents of same-sex marriage that the traditional definition of marriage and family in the Bible is outdated or oppressive.

“A bad heterosexual marriage or a bad family doesn’t give us the right to abolish marriage and family or to change their definitions,” Baehr says.

“The Supreme Court’s decision today is absolutely criminal,” he explains. “Our local, state and federal governments, along with the courts, have created most of the alleged problems we see in many marriages and families today because they have accepted a radical Marxist, communist definition of taxation, culture, and government.

“We need to stand for God’s law in the face of the power-grab by those in civil authority who know no restraints.

“The increasingly socialized federal government does not have the right nor the authority to violate God’s law; they have also violated their own Constitution and the will of the governed. When they do that, they are just like King George. They have abdicated their moral and legal authority and are subject to indictment, trial and just punishment.