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Tea Party Nation Suggests Obama Is Behind Boston Attack Cover-Up

The Christian Post is out with two op-eds today on the Boston attack. Neither is exactly constructive.

The first comes from Tony Katz, who inexplicably claims that the shooters in Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook and Tucson were “connected to the left”:

Facts don't matter to Progressives. The shooters in the Tucson, Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook murders each were in some way connected to the left. But in aftermath of those shootings, the media machine worked overtime to make a connection between conservatives and the mass murders.

Once we know who set the bombs there will be time for commentary. In the meantime, Americans should be alert to pseudo-journalists interested not in truth but rather in a Clockwork Orange approach of forcing you to throw up when you hear the words Republican, right, freedom, rights, or guns - regardless of the truth.

Next, Tea Party Nation head Judson Phillips, who has already blamed President Obama for the bombing, suggests that the Obama administration is working with Saudi Arabia to cover up the potential role of a Saudi student in the attack.

The hospitalized student has been cleared of any wrongdoing, as it seems his main offense was running away from the bomb.

But since Phillips is convinced that a Muslim must be responsible for the attack, he argues that Obama is in cahoots with Saudi officials to protect the student, whom Phillips finds suspicious because he is Muslim and suffered burns from the blast.

Now, three days after the bombing there are even more questions than answers. While there needs to be some secrecy during an investigation, there are some questions the Obama Regime must answer now.

Immediately after the blast, reports surfaced that a Saudi national was in the hospital. Various reports said he was detained, not free to leave or in custody. Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi is the Saudi national. His apartment was searched. The first reports said it was done with a search warrant. Now reports are coming out that the search was a consent search. Reports then came out saying Alharbi was only a witness and not a suspect or person of interest.

Steve Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism is now reporting that next Tuesday, Alharbi will be deported for "national security reasons."

On Tuesday, Secretary of State John Kerry met with the Saudi Foreign Minister, Saud Al Faisal in a meeting that had been scheduled for some time but was abruptly closed to the media for "scheduling reasons."

Yesterday, the same Saudi Foreign Minister met with Obama, even though the meeting was not on Obama's public schedule. The White House said, "The president and Prince Saud al-Faisal reaffirmed the strong partnership between the United States and Saudi Arabia and discussed developments in the region, including the conflict in Syria." According to other sources, Alharbi is a devout Muslim and is a member of a Saudi Clan that has a lot of Al-Qaeda members.

This whole mess stinks to high heaven.

The first question that needs to be answered is why this guy was at the Boston Marathon. Did he suddenly develop an interest in long distance running? How was he injured? Press reports said he had burns as well as other injuries. Burns are significant because to be burned by the explosion would mean he would have to be very close to the explosion.

Press reports indicated that the FBI and other agencies executed a search warrant on Alharbi's apartment the night after the attack. If this was a search done by search warrant, this is very significant. A search warrant requires the showing of probable cause. An agent must go to a federal judge and swear under oath to the facts that establish probable cause. Narratives supporting probable cause in federal search warrants are not boilerplate language. They are lengthy and detailed.

If the search was a consent search, there will be a written consent form. In a search in a case of this magnitude, the FBI is not going to simply go on a verbal consent. The consent would be written. If Alharbi is not a suspect, then it is a simple matter to show the consent to the press.

Alharbi has suddenly gone from a person of interest, to a witness to no one at all. Then why is he being deported for national security reasons the day after Obama meets with the Saudi Foreign Minister in an unscheduled meeting and two days after the Minister has a meeting with John Kerry where the doors are abruptly closed?

Once Alharbi is deported, we will never see him again.

Why is the Regime in such a hurry to get him out of the country?

The Regime and far left have already tried to set the agenda. If they believed in God, they would be praying that the suspect, when caught would be a Tea Party member, whose car is covered with 2nd Amendment bumper stickers.

The Government even has an acronym for what they are searching for. It is an HVE standing for "Homegrown Violent Extremist."

The Obama Regime is desperate that the Boston Bomber be a rightwing extremist. They are in absolute fear that it turns out the bomber is a Muslim with ties to Al-Qaeda. And they are now doing their best to make sure the latter is not the case.

As with everything else with the Obama Regime, this stinks to high heaven. What really happened at those meetings? Why is there the rush to deport Alharbi? He could and should be kept in this country at least as a material witness.

If anyone is ever caught for this and there is an attempt to try him in Federal Court, the Regime is already setting the stage to make that trial almost impossible for the government to win.

This is the Obama Regime at work.