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Tea Party Nation: Obama 'Hates America'

Tea Party Nation head Judson Phillips goes full Dinesh D’Souza today in his daily email to members, warning that President Obama “hates America” because he “looks at America through his Marxist background” and wants to destroy it by sabotaging the economy. He tells TPN supporters that Obama seeks “the power to be a dictator” in order to introduce “tyranny” and “completely bring down the American economy and possibly the American state.”

What he really wants is the power to be a dictator.

Barack Obama does not like the American system of government. He doesn’t like our founding fathers either. Our founding fathers were very wise. They dealt with tyranny in their lifetime. The fundamental purpose of the way they set up our government was not to be efficient or even to accommodate rapid change.

It was to block the accumulation of power by one man.

Barack Obama wants to change this.

Obama does not love America. He hates America. He looks at America through his Marxist background and sees not the greatest nation in the world. He does not see the country that has done more good for more people than any other nation. He sees the evil oppressive power that Marxists always view America as.

By continuing to borrow money, unabated, he knows sooner or later debt will completely bring down the American economy and possibly the American state.

There is a deeper battle here as well.

If Barack Obama and the Party of Treason can beat the Republicans down to the point where they abdicate or at least refuse to fight for their Constitutionally mandated role in controlling the purse, America will no longer have three co-equal branches of government.

If Obama wins this next battle, it will fundamentally transform America and our government. Which is exactly what he said he wanted to do when he ran in 2008. Obama has spoken several times, almost longingly talking about how he wishes he had dictatorial powers. Now, here is his chance.

The legislative branch, instead of being equal to the executive will now become inferior and submissive. The tyranny of the strong leader that our founding fathers feared will have materialized here in America.