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Tea Party Nation Is Totally Not Racist, Just Calls Obama 'Banama'

Tea Party Nation president Judson Phillips insists that for his group’s website, “racists [sic] comments is [sic] one of the fastest ways to be banned from the site.”

But he had no problem today sending members a post referring to the president as “Banama,” drawing on the racist comparison of black people to monkeys.

The post is as crazy as one might expected an article entitled ‘Banama’s Next Job’ would be, with author James Brody regretting “white timidity” in fighting Obama.

“Even his race – ‘black’ was and is a deception,” Brody writes. “Odd that he seems to expect a Presidential Library.”

Obama skated into office carrying several last names, glib promises, hidden academic records, conflicting information about his citizenship, limited public service in Chicago, ties to leftist organizations, a ghost-written autobiography, and a religious background of Islam and black nationalism (Cashill, Kurtz). His recent influences included Frank Marshall Davis, Saul Alinsky?; Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wright (a disciple of black liberation theology), Edward Said (author of Orientalism), and the social schemes of Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.

Obama’s socialist attainments depend on white timidity (Steele, 2006) when he issues Executive Orders and arranges deals with vendors for unions, solar panels, windmills, railroads, “green” autos, and finance. An unfortunate outcome: Like Sidney Carton, the American public will do the noble thing and get its own head cut off.

His records from Occidental college, Columbia College; and Harvard; his Columbia thesis; Selective Service registration; medical records; Illinois State Senate schedule and records; Law practice list of clients; Certified copy of original birth certificate; certificate of live birth; and the record of his Baptism. Even his race – “black” was and is a deception. Odd that he seems to expect a Presidential Library . . .

Obama’s value to his next employer – the UN, Bilderberg, or Soros (he looks even now to their interests) –depends first on what he disassembles in the American society and, second, on information that he brings with him. One of his support groups, Organizing for Action, now cuts staff and budgets as his second term enters its second half. However, the most damaging thefts from Americans – after their lessons in helplessness, begging, and idleness - are not of ceramic, crystal, or oak but of information. And given the Bamster’s spotty academic skills, he will depend on files that he copies well in advance of the moving van. Has the lovely Ms. Jarrett removed files for the past six years? Does she do so even now? Valerie knows all and will remind BO of it. She is his Madame Thérèse Defarge not from Paris but Iran by way of Chicago. And a political guillotine, one guided, honed, and fueled by lots of regulations, will feed itself indefinitely on taxpayers . . .