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Tea Party Nation: Gay Rights Will Doom America

Despite the common refrain that the Tea Party doesn’t care about social issues like gay rights, today the Tea Party Nation emailed its members a post by right-wing activist Alan Caruba on the dangers of marriage equality and anti-bullying programs. Caruba, who once called marriage equality “an act of societal suicide,” discussed how Tea Party activists need to stop “the queering of America.” According to Caruba, measures that promote tolerance and gay rights are “a distinct threat to the fabric of a society based on the undisputed normality of heterosexuality” and represent “one more factor in the destruction of America.” Like other conservative commentators, Caruba attacks President Obama and outgoing anti-bullying chief Kevin Jennings for promoting “the homosexual agenda”:

For millennia marriage has been recognized solely as the union of a man and a woman. No society has ever sanctioned “gay marriage” because to do so would be to undermine the keystone of society, the family.

For the first time in the nation’s history, we have a President who has lent his office to the advancement of the homosexual agenda, though it should be noted that former President Clinton attempted to do that when he tried to alter the military to the open acceptance of homosexuals in its ranks in 1993. After an outcry, this was modified into a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy that Congress has since repealed.

Among the “czars” that President Obama appointed was Kevin Jennings, given the title of “Safe Schools Czar” overseeing elements of policy in the Department of Education. Jennings was and is a homosexual activist who will leave his office in July and return to Massachusetts. He has specialized in targeting children with the “gay rights” message through indoctrination in the nation’s schools that is intended to advance acceptance of homosexuality and its permutations as an acceptable lifestyle choice.

I can speak only for myself, but I find all this activity to legalize “gay marriage” and to introduce a gay agenda into the curriculums in the nation’s schools a distinct threat to the fabric of a society based on the undisputed normality of heterosexuality. I am pretty sure the “straight” citizens of Boston and elsewhere find it offensive to host a gay parade.

I believe the greater society has a right to protect itself, its children and its military forces against these legislative intrusions, mandates and coercions to force acceptance upon it. If it continues, it will become one more factor in the destruction of America, a signal that its moral foundations continue to be eroded.

Candidates for elected office and those holding such offices should be challenged and removed when they advocate and vote for the queering of America.