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Tea Party Nation: Gay Equality will 'Turn Marriage into a Freak Show'

Tea Party Nation’s Judson Phillips told members in an email today that their movement cannot avoid the issue of same-sex marriage, as it threatens to destroy the family, replace freedom with anarchy and “turn marriage into a freak show involving 3 men, 5 women, 2 dogs and a Bengal tiger.”

Gay marriage is often identified as a social issue and many in the conservative and Tea Party movement say leave social issues alone.

While we can have that debate as to whether we should include social issues or not, this is an issue that is not purely a social issue.

The left has been making war on the family in America for over fifty years.


The traditional family, and the left hates that expression, is the most stable unit in America. The left wants to transform America from a liberty based, free market economy into a socialist economy, absent freedom.

What is on of the most effective tools socialists have to do this? Attacking the family.

The left has been wrong on so many issues, why do we even give them the time of day?

Liberals operate under a delusion called socialist reality. Things are never as they really are, but only as they should be.

According to liberals, blacks are over represented on welfare rolls and in the criminal justice system because America is a racist nation. The truth is, we implemented the programs the left wanted and this is the result.

Now the far left wants to turn marriage into a freak show involving 3 men, 5 women, 2 dogs and a Bengal tiger.

The left’s definition of equality is to allow anyone and anything to marry.

Traditionally marriage has worked well in America for centuries. It has always been one man and one woman. Those who want to change this bear the burden of showing why this would be good for the nation.

So far they have not.

Given the carnage that the liberals’ policies have created, the idea of redefining marriage into something unrecognizable and equally indefinable should be something that we conservatives must reject and defeat in the political arena and in the court of public opinion.

Liberty and freedom depend on a stable nation, stable government and stable families. Those who claim they support “equality” do not support liberty. They support anarchy.

Anarchy and freedom cannot co-exist.

In the end only one can prevail and history is riddle with the graves of those who learned what happened when freedom lost.