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Tea Party Nation: 'E.W. Jackson Represents the Future of the Conservative Movement'

According to Tea Party Nation, “the future of conservative movement” is found in a candidate who believes gay people are “sick” and “degenerate” and that Planned Parenthood is worse than the Ku Klux Klan. In an email today, the group’s president Judson Phillips said that E.W. Jackson is under criticism because his anti-gay comments “are popular in the black community” and “that shocks and offends liberals.”

Phillips compared the Virginia GOP’s candidate for Lt. Governor to Ronald Reagan and bragged that “the 2013 ticket for the Republicans in Virginia represents the victory of the Tea Party over the establishment.”

E.W. Jackson represents a threat to the left.

Immediately after E.W. Jackson was nominated, the left wing media in Virginia began pulling out comments he had made, claiming he was too radical and extreme. Jackson is pro-life. To the media, if you are not Kermit Gosnell you are too extreme.

As a minister, Jackson has blasted homosexuality (as opposed to homosexuals). Amazingly enough, his comments on that subject are popular in the black community. That shocks and offends liberals.

After E.W. Jackson was nominated, the Democrats trotted out a couple of liberal Republicans who whined that the Party was now “too extreme” with Ken Cuccinelli and E.W. Jackson leading the ticket.

A whispering campaign began that the GOP establishment was upset with Jackson’s selection and they were working on a plan to remove him.

Even the GOP establishment isn’t that dumb.

The 2013 ticket for the Republicans in Virginia represents the victory of the Tea Party over the establishment. The establishment is not happy about this but they don’t have a choice. They didn’t like Ronald Reagan either.

During the convention last Saturday when each of the candidates spoke, they all received applause. E.W. Jackson’s speech got a standing ovation and it was not just his supporters standing.

E.W. Jackson represents the future of the conservative movement.