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Tea Party Call: Without A Christian President, You Get 'Pain, Suffering, Disease And Death'

Last week’s Tea Party Unity conference call – after an eventful conversation between Don Feder and Rick Scarborough  –  featured a presentation from Neil Mammen, author of Jesus is involved in politics!: Why aren’t you? Why isn’t your church?

Mammen fielded a question from a caller who asked, “Do you think that we should insist that the next president should have strong religious beliefs to set good examples here in America?” because “Reagan, who ended the Cold War, was by using his Christian beliefs back in the ‘80s, and Obama, who is destroying America with his disbeliefs and his persecution of Christianity here in America, is doing great harm.”

“Who better to run a country than someone who loves that law, who will respect that law, who knows the Lawgiver?” Mammen responded. “So absolutely, yes. And anytime you get somebody who disdains law, doesn’t care for the law, who hates the Lawgiver and doesn’t think he deserves his sceptre, doesn’t think that the law giver knows what’s good for you, for us, then naturally you’re going to get pain, suffering, disease and death.”