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Supporters Of The Heartbeat Bill Are Just Like Moses

Janet Porter continues to post videos(link is external) from the Heartbeat Bill rally she organized earlier this week.  Yesterday it was Ducia Hamm of the Ashland Care Center who showed an ultrasound(link is external) of a fetus waving to the crowd and today it is(link is external) Julie Busby of Ohio Right To Life comparing the supporters of this legislation to Moses because they both have God on their side while those who don't support the bill are going to be judged by God:

And just like God was behind Moses to free his people, God is behind the people supporting this bill to stop the killing. How do I know that? Because God will never support a people or a nation that support the massacre of its children, okay? We've got fifty million children that have been legally murdered in this nation and the streets are crying out with their blood. We cannot be so arrogant as a nation to think we will not face the same fate as other nations that have cooperated with this type of evil.

This is what's going on, this is a reality, this is happening right now. We have a chance, in this moment in time, to stop the killing.

For those Senators who support this bill, you're already on the winning side. But those who don't, am I suggesting your fate is going to end up like Pharaoh? No, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is this: I have yet to see a man stand in the face of a hurricane and put up his hand and tell it to stop. If you do, you're a fool and not only are you a fool, but you are probably a dead fool. And when we thumb our noses at God and act like somehow we're beyond the reach of his judgement, it is like a man standing in the face of a hurricane and telling it to stop.