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'Stupid Party' Slayer Bobby Jindal Endorses Donald Trump

In 2012, then-Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal urged the GOP to “stop being the stupid party” and end its embrace of “dumbed-down conservatism.”

Last night, Jindal endorsed Donald Trump for president.

Before announcing his support for Trump, Jindal declared that Trump is a “narcissistic,” “dangerous” and “unstable” “egomaniacal madman” who is lying about his conservative and Christian beliefs.

Jindal may be excited about the fact that Trump has embraced much of his extremist fiscal policies, such as his massive tax cuts for the top 1 percent that left Louisiana in disarray, and that the two share conspiracy theories about Common Core, the supposed persecution of Christians in America and Islam.

Joining Jindal in supporting Trump is former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who went after Ted Cruz for failing to tithe to his church and obfuscating about his marriage position during his White House run, and even including one last dig against Cruz in his statement supporting Trump.

Donald Trump broke the code, owned the media, and inspired the masses. I will be all in to help him defeat Hillary Clinton and I call upon all fellow Republicans to unite in defeating Hillary and abandoning and repudiating the hapless “Never Trump” nonsense. The dirty little secret is that the Never Trump movement was more about providing high dollar work for the political consultants than stopping the disaster of an Obama third term which is the result of electing Hillary Clinton.

Is Donald Trump as pro-life as me? No. Is he as solid on the marriage issue as me? No. Does his position on Israel come from a deep conviction both politically and Biblically? No. But neither did Ted Cruz’s. And much to my chagrin, the voters didn’t accept my message, but his. I withheld an endorsement during the heat of the primary because it was the job of the voters to select the person they wanted more than me.

All of the giddy speculation from the media about a “contested convention” is for naught. We will go to Cleveland with a presumptive nominee, and we will realize that whatever squabbles we have among people in the GOP, it’s nothing compared to the chasm between us and the socialist, big government approach of the Democrats.

Ted Cruz ended his campaign and it’s time to end the strife in the party. That can start today with our unifying around the people’s choice, Donald Trump. I went into the race knowing Hillary better than the other 16 candidates. I left still knowing her better, but also knowing the other GOP candidates. I’m convinced that Donald Trump is our best hope of turning the tide of the insider political nonsense that has left people seething and being able to defeat Hillary.

Ted Cruz was half right in his campaign speeches when he said that “conservatives are coalescing.” In the end, they coalesced, all right, but around Donald Trump.