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Stewart Rhodes: Government Using Ferguson Riots, Ebola & Immigration To 'Spark A Race War'

Stewart Rhodes, whose anti-government Oath Keepers group deploys unofficial militias to places like the Bundy ranch(link is external) and Ferguson, Missouri (link is external) , claimed in an interview(link is external) on Armed America Radio in December that Obama administration officials are using the Ebola virus, immigration, and the riots in Ferguson to “spark a race war” that will ultimately allow them to destroy the Constitution.

Discussing Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon’s decision not to send the National Guard to Ferguson to quell the violent elements of protests after a grand jury decision in the case of Michael Brown’s death, Armed America Radio host Mark Walters told Rhodes, “There is speculation that there were powers at the highest levels of our government that asked him not to do that for the optics.”

“Well, absolutely,” Rhodes agreed. “They knew there were outside communist agitators there for months training people on how to do this stuff and, as you said, they knew precisely what was going to happen that night.”

“You have to wonder why,” he added, “I think you’re on the same track I’m at, where I believe this was intentional to maximize the pain, maximize the chaos, and then be able to say, ‘Hey, here’s the solution, we’ve got to cut down on the First Amendment, we need more monitoring of groups, we need a police-state mindset.’”

Later in the program, Rhodes called Obama an “agent of destruction,” and said that since the Republican Congress is unlikely to impeach the president in the next two years, Americans will have to “step up and take care of business” themselves by forming militia units at the southern border and in cities.

“I see the American people being left with the only real option they ever had, which is to get up and do it themselves, which is to go and go to the border, go and stop the looting and the rioting, take the responsibility that’s always been in their hands to serve as the militia of the people and to step up and take care of business,” he said. “That is going to be the only answer.”

“What we are in is a fourth-generation-warfare assault on the Constitution,” he warned. “They’re using everything they possibly can, whether it’s Ebola or immigration or riots, and trying to spark a race war, trying to divide and conquer the American people. I think you can see an economic attack too coming right up.”