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Steve Strang: Trump's Election Was An 'Absolute Miracle' From God

Steve Strang, the founder of the Pentecostal magazine Charisma, provided a key platform during the presidential election for various self-proclaimed prophets who claimed that Donald Trump had been raised up by God to be president. So it was only natural that Strang responded to Trump’s victory by declaring that Trump had been “touched” by God and that his election was an “absolute miracle.”

In a podcast recorded shortly after Strang attended Trump’s victory party in New York, he said that evangelicals had largely gotten behind Trump because the he has “a respect for the things of the Lord” and “surrounds himself with Christian leaders” like Robert Jeffress, Darrell Scott, James Robison, Frank Amedia and Lance Wallnau.

“These men in particular, and a few others,” he said of Amedia and Wallnau, “actually prophesied that Donald Trump would win, and we published it, and I went on the record myself saying that I believed he would win because, partly, I believed that these men heard from God and I felt a witness in my own spirit.

“But I’ll admit that in the natural, when you watched the TV and looked at the polls, it looked like it would be an absolute miracle. And I believe it was a miracle. I believe that God has heard our prayers, I believe that things would have just accelerated—I mean, we’ve been seeing our country become less and less godly over the past few decades. And we know that one political leader is not going to turn things around alone. It’s like someone said, the Kingdom of God is not going to come in on Air Force One. We know that. But also, in the Bible, God raised up righteous leaders and things did shift. God also raised up, or allowed, leaders like Saul to come to power.”

Strang recalled meeting a friend of Trump’s at the victory party, who told him that “if Donald Trump wins, it proves there is a God because it will be an absolute miracle.”

“And I believe it is a miracle,” Strang said. “I believe it’s a miracle that God raised him up. Who would have thought, who would have thought that a billionaire kind of celebrity with a reality TV show, gambling hotels named after himself and everything else would turn out to be a statesman, really? I believe that we will find that he is a great president. And I believe that God has touched him.”

He added that while Trump isn’t perfect, “we need to get behind him, we need to pray” because “principalities and powers are at play to thwart what needs to take place in this country.”

He urged conservative Christian leaders to get “more involved in public square” like Jeffress, Jim Garlow and Jerry Falwell Jr., because “I believe this is our moment.”