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Stemberger: New Anti-Gay Scouting Organization Like The Resurrection Of Jesus

John Stemberger was the guest on "WallBuilders Live" today, discussing the new anti-gay alternative to the Boy Scouts that will be announced later this Fall.

During the discussion, Stemberger stated that with the formation of this new organization, something good will finally result from the vote by the Boy Scouts of America to allow gay scouts, likening it to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.

"Sometimes things have to die," Stemberger said, "before there's a new birth and it comes back better than before. And, not to extend the analogy too far, but even our Lord went through that process":

Later, co-host Rick Green asked Stemberger what he would say to a Boy Scout leader who was thinking of remaining with the Scouts because this is not an issue for them because they don't have any openly gay boys wanting to join their troop.  Stemberger responded by warning that gay activists will begin to "strategically place openly gay boys in troops, especially very conservative troops and see if they will, you know, deny them membership based on the fact that they are flaunting their sexuality" in order to file lawsuits:

Near the end of the broadcast, David Barton picked up on Stemberger's warming to issue a warning of his own that "little sins always grow to become big sins that will turn and devour you."  To illustrate this point, Barton cited  naturalist Joy Adamson, who wrote the book "Born Free" about her experience raising a lion cub.

"Joy Adamson is a name back years ago out of Africa.  She did the famous movie and the book 'Born Free' and then 'Living Free' where she raised the lion cubs and Elsa was a lion cub and she ends up getting killed by her favorite lions that she's raised from cubs":

Of course, like so much of what Barton says, this is not true at all, as Adamson was actually murdered by a former employee, not killed by lions.