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Star Parker: Obama's Prayer Breakfast Speech Was 'Verbal Rape'

Conservative activist Star Parker told radio host Mark Levin this weekend that President Obama’s remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast last week amounted to “verbal rape” because he “stole all the energy in the room” with his “secular humanism.”

“It was verbal rape. Frankly, what the president did was verbal rape,” Parker said. “He stole all the energy in the room. He stole from all of us. He stole the momentum in the room, he stole from our country, he stole from the world.”

Explaining that those in the room had already been dealing in what she called weak interfaith “sippy soup,” Parker said Obama “reduced that whole meeting to meaninglessness.”

“This is what we were doing in this room, all this prayer, all these people, and then the president gets up and totally politicizes it,” she said. “It was verbal rape. You could feel the energy leave the room because he is so adamant about his secular humanism. These are certainly big questions, but he reduced that whole meeting to meaninglessness. It was just bad.”