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Stan Solomon: Trayvon Martin Deserved To Die And So Does 'That Faggot' Dan Savage

Conservative talk show host Stan Solomon is obsessed with the idea that President Obama is fomenting a race war in order to murder white, Christian heterosexuals, so when we noticed he was hosting a special “Race In America” program to commemorate the March on Washington, we knew we had to watch. Solomon -- who regularly interviews conservative figures including Phyllis Schlafly, E.W. Jackson, Larry Pratt and Alan Keyes -- used the occasion to deliver an epic rant accusing Jews, gays, African Americans and Muslims of being pawns of the Satanic left, hailing the murder of Trayvon Martin and announcing that he hopes “that faggot” Dan Savage dies.

Listen to me carefully. No you don’t, kiss my Obama, I don’t give a damn what you do, I know what I’m going to do and I know what people with an ‘I’ and a ‘Q’ are going to do. The left, which is godless and serves Satan, has an agenda. To accomplish their agenda they have to get idiots, morons, numbnuts to do stupid things so the focus will be on them and not on the libs, not on the leftists. Jews, homosexuals, blacks, gays, Islamists, you may think they’re disparate groups, they’re not, they’re all tools. Because while we’re mad at these two punks, we’re mad at Trayvon Martin, that thug that deserves to be dead and I’m glad he’s dead.

Pieces of crap, homosexuals like what’s that one guy’s name? [Dan] Savage. That faggot. That horrible, awful, terrible excuse for a human being who is at the White House promoting attacks on Christians. I hope he dies — he probably will — of every disease known. By the way, I’m sending him a fire hydrant for his birthday, I’m hoping he’ll sit on it; he’ll slide all the way down to the ground. Sorry fire hydrant fans, I don’t mean to insult fire hydrants.

At any rate, do you understand what I’m saying here? These groups are being recruited. Environmentalists, nuclear freeze, it doesn’t make a difference what group it is. If you put anything ahead of doing what’s right in God’s eyes, or better yet ignoring the reality of God, then you’re a tool, you’re a useful idiot.

Solomon then called on his white viewers to buy guns to protect themselves against black and Latino “terrorists.”

“If you’re white, you’re a target,” Solomon contended. “Get a gun, know how to use it, never be without it and don’t leave your family unprotected.” He warned that black and Latino public school and college students are “terrorists in training” who are “being taught” to hate white people. 

“You have to go to college and admit, ‘Oh if you’re white it’s unfair.’ Pretend like you’re black, pretend like you’re a homosexual, which means you are sick and stupid and ignorant and going to die, early,” Solomon continued.

“If somebody comes at you—I don’t give a damn if you’re white, black, pink or purple—and you’re not sure, shoot him and find out later. It’s better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.”

“George Zimmerman knows all about that,” co-host “Chief” Steve Davis replied.

But it didn’t end there.

Solomon, not one to hold back on making racist jokes about Michelle Obama, attacked the first lady over her promotion of healthy eating among youth: “They have that Michelle O-Buick butt Obama’s you know, by the way, she doesn’t eat that crap, she eats like a garbage disposal at a fast food joint. Actually, they might name one after her….They just eat the biggest junk in the world.”

He said he wouldn’t say anything about Malia and Sasha Obama, “except that I wish them the best having crap for parents.”