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Spiritual Warfare: A Battle Is Raging in the 'Prophetic Community' Over the 2020 Election

In the months leading up to the 2020 presidential election, a variety of self-proclaimed "prophets" were nearly unanimous in their announcements that they had all heard from Heaven that Donald Trump would win the election and serve a second term as president.

Even though that did not happen, many of these "prophets" have vehemently refused to admit they were wrong and continue to insist that God will vindicate them by miraculously returning Trump to the White House.

Concerned about these false prophecies and the refusal of such "prophets" to acknowledge them, a collection of conservative Christian leaders recently signed on to a document laying out standards for the prophetic movement, declaring, among other things, that those who refuse to abide by such standards run the risk of being designated as "false prophets."

It is no surprise that the "prophets" who have been most vocal in insisting that their false election prophecies will soon be proven true did not sign on to this "prophetic standards statement" and have, in fact, been quite vocal in criticizing it.

Among the "prophets" attacking the new standards is QAnon conspiracy theorist Johnny Enlow who, since the election, has been coming up with increasingly bizarre and ridiculous explanations for why his election prophecies are supposedly being proven true by the day.

Last Friday, Enlow posted a message on his Facebook page criticizing the new prophetic standards and the group that released them, asserting that the "prophets" who guaranteed that Trump would win reelection were right and will soon be incontrovertibly proven so, and declaring that he will never accept Joe Biden's presidency because doing so would mean that the prayers of all the Christians who prayed for Trump's reelection "were altogether worthless."

The post reads in full:

Enough months have gone by since the election of 11/3/2020 that it is worth revisiting some important truth. There is actually no “waiting to see” if the prophets were right who prophesied DJT winning the election. It happened. It happened BIGLY. By late night on the 3rd of November, it was all but announced that DJT had comfortably won the election. Prophesy fulfilled.

The ensuing, unparalleled in history, steal, that saw multiple states claim thousands more votes than registered voters (pause and let that register) is not going to stand. That becomes I suppose a second prophetic word— which also will be fulfilled. The fact Arizona is in a recount should tell you there is no expiration date on when a steal gets voided. The fact that the Dems have sent— at last estimate— 100 attorneys, to try to stop it should tell you right there they understand that if the steal gets exposed in Arizona it will also happen in the other states. Who would be for stopping a recount done with 100% transparency in every step and every process? Only a thief and his den of thieves.

In a related development, Mr.Pillow man has 100% percent proof of the national election steal— though the results will have to be searched for because the thieves have cohorts in big tech platforms trying to suppress the truth. It is yet another proof the prophets who prophesied DJT would win— were not wrong. Meanwhile, there is a leadership group in the Body of Christ upping the ante at going after the prophets that don’t back down on what God said— and is still saying. They consider that if a thief has managed to hold the loot from a robbery for 5 or 6 months that it now has be considered fair and square his loot. They see it as a valuable service to the Body of Christ to “rein in” these prophets who keep agreeing with God. They have unwisely partnered with the thief while true prophetic voices have no choice but to agree with God. If God changes His mind we will too. If He doesn’t we won’t either. I’m guessing He won’t change His mind.

Vision of a Golden Scepter

As I was praying today I saw a vision of DJT seated on a throne holding a golden scepter. He also had a golden crown on his head. This, I was shown, is his PRESENT status from heaven’s perspective. That becomes all I need to know, as to should I back off saying “the steal will not hold”. Heaven does not recognize JB having any scepter nor wearing any crown. From heaven’s perspective, there is only the legitimacy of DJT. God has assigned a massive contingency of angels to that scepter and to that crown. They have not ceased assignment and anointed seers can see this. To repeat, the prophetic word has been true all the way from Nov 3. On that date, DJT won the election "as spoken by His servants the prophets". IT WAS FULFILLED. The only thing presently yet to be made visible is will an outrageous steal hold for a whole term. It will not! The answer from God to the question of when is— SOON. Do I have a date on that SOON? No, I don’t.

DJT was called and anointed by God to lead our nation and the world into a new era. Most of the above-mentioned “leadership group” at one time believed some version of that reality. Now apparently, if a theft is outrageous and thorough enough, you must bow to that reality and actually congratulate and then even pray for this thief-in-chief. Those who refuse to disagree with God, must now be pressured into accepting the steal, under the guise of "being humble enough" to admit being wrong. How about "being humble enough" to keep agreeing with God after even believers and fellow leaders push for abandoning what He has clearly revealed? My Bible does not say to support or pray for criminal thieves just because it was the highest seat in the land. Those who gave up on going to the courts of heaven in order to now instead "rein in prophets” might consider that a more worthwhile assignment to get back to. 100 million Americans know that a grand theft has taken place. It is most definitely NOT the assignment of any Body of Christ “leadership group” to instruct that this be considered acceptable and “let’s move on”. There is no “moving on” from this moment. Justice either comes to roost in this season or 100% of this “leadership group” has to admit that their prayers, their marches, their fastings were altogether worthless. If Justice does not sweep in at this time, there is no foundation for ever motivating the Body of Christ to fast, pray, march, vote etc. The contending effort was unprecedented and worldwide surpassed 100 million people from almost every nation on the earth. Respectfully, “leadership group”, maybe dig deeper and ask God the harder questions you are avoiding— instead of targeting the faithful prophets. Perhaps, you will be led to a more valuable assignment that is in keeping with God’s agenda in our nation and the nations of the world. Why does your God-view allow for a criminal thief in power to be the answer from God after months of fasting and praying etc. etc.? Why would you allow a grand theft of the highest level to knock you off assignment? Why would you then blame shift— prophets!!? Did THEY inspire you to fast, pray, march, gather, vote or was it God? Are you afraid to approach God with your disappointment and so must project it elsewhere? Wrestle through that question and you might find yourself back on assignment. You need to know literally thousands in the prophetic community are still getting dreams and visions and audible voices from God on DJT officially back in power. Some of you can add that in the comment section so those who see this become aware that nameless and faceless prophetic voices are remaining faithful too.