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Sebastian Gorka: The State Department Is Full Of Liberals ‘Representing The Interests Of Other Countries’

Sebastian Gorka speaks at the 2017 CPAC in National Harbor, Maryland. (Photo by Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons)

Former White House adviser Sebastian Gorka is very pleased with President Trump’s decision to oust Rex Tillerson as secretary of state and replace him with CIA Director Mike Pompeo, telling radio host Lars Larson yesterday that Tillerson had failed to purge the State Department of liberal activists who are “representing the interests of other countries, not the United States.”

Gorka told Larson that “everybody who loves this republic and who wants to drain the swamp should be very, very happy” about Tillerson’s ouster.

“Look, Rex Tillerson was a massive disappointment to everybody,” he said. “Not only did he not see eye-to-eye with the president on the Iran deal, he also didn’t do what was expected of him at Foggy Bottom, at the State Department. The State Department has turned into a hive of liberal activism, most often with individuals representing the interests of other countries, not the United States, and he didn’t clean house. Mike Pompeo, on the other hand, at the CIA, very quietly has done some very effective things. He’s loyal to the president, he’s loyal to the Make America Great Again agenda, and he is exactly the kind of person we need to rattle the cages of the State Department.”