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Sean Feucht ‘Can’t Take’ the DNC, Calls for ‘Jehus’ and ‘Madmen for Jesus’ to ‘Rise Up’

Sean Feucht recorded a rant about the perceived lack of conservative Christian response to the 2024 Democratic convention.

Christian nationalist musician-politician Sean Feucht “can’t take it anymore.” On Thursday, Feucht sent his followers a video fuming about the fact that all Christian leaders are not outspoken MAGA activists like him, which he called a “leadership crisis.”

Feucht is associated with the dominionist New Apostolic Reformation movement, whose U.S. leaders see politics through the lens of spiritual warfare and Donald Trump as anointed by God to defeat his enemies. Feucht apparently shares Trump’s frustration with the excitement being generated by the Democratic presidential ticket and the enthusiastic, celebratory vibe of this week’s Democratic National Convention. On his video, he ranted against abortion and “transgenderism and child perversion,” and asked, “Where are the real Christians?”

Feucht compared American politics today to the biblical story about a wicked queen Jezebel and her husband Ahab, and called for God to raise up “the Jehus.” In the Bible, Jehu is sent to execute Jezebel, tramples her body under his horses’ hooves, and oversees the slaughter of her husband Ahab’s extended family. Feucht says Jehu was “commissioned in a season where Jezebel was reigning supreme and wreaking havoc and terror.” He goes on:

I don't have to be more obvious than this. You have Ahab, which is the docile, sheepish, you know, leader that abdicates his authority to a wicked woman that is hell-bent on perversion and abortion and Baal and destruction, and she has smooth lips and tender eyes and she's demonic. And it's like, ‘Yeah, welcome to 2024!’

Like, this is happening today, and you know what the answer is to the spirit of Jezebel? It's the rising up of the Jehus of a generation that are—they don't care about being called crazy. …

Guys, I am so, like, blown away this week with the silence of the masses of church leaders and people with platforms. They’re unwilling to call out darkness. They’re unwilling to call out perversion. And you know what? Like, there's a vacuum right now in America, in the nations of the world. We need the Jehus. We need those that have a mandate to dethrone Jezebel and bring the kingdom, we need you to rise up! ...

And listen, if you can't speak out about a mobile death abortion clinic that's circling around the DNC in Chicago, I don't know what you can speak about. That is absolutely from the pit of hell. And I'm telling you, it is from the pit of hell, and we need some real followers of Jesus, like not intellectuals, not just people that maybe know the theology, not just people that know people. No, we need real wild Jehus, like those that are willing to ride for Jesus, those that are willing to destroy works of darkness.

He described a recent dream as a warning about the coming persecution of Christians:

Don't you guys see where this is going? Like, it is time for us to rise up. I'm not playing nice anymore. I've never been the nice guy, but definitely in this season, it's not a season to be nice. It's a season to rise up with truth and righteousness and justice. And so it's time to ride like a madman, like it says about Jehu. It's time to dethrone the works of Jezebel. It's time to restore righteousness to our nation, and it's time to see a harvest of souls come to Jesus, and we can only do that if we expose the works of darkness.

Feucht has held worship services in the U.S. Capitol attended by members of Congress and rallies on the National Mall where Sen. John Hawley has spoken. Feucht is close to completing a 50-state “Kingdom to the Capitol” tour, which has drawn MAGA Republican officials to his public worship services and political rallies. He used this week's video to promote the remaining eight state events and the Oct. 26 pre-election rally on the National Mall that will be the final stop on the tour:

This is not just a gathering for women or for men or for young people or for old people. We need all legit followers of Jesus to show up, those that truly care about the future of our nation and the future of our generations. We're going to do a massive Jesus march through the streets of the city. We're going to march by the White House, the Supreme Court, the Capitol. We're going to remind all the powers and the principalities that God is not finished writing the story in our nation. And then we're going to gather on the National Mall, thousands of us, tens of thousands of us. I believe it's going to be massive, just days before the election, and we are going to commission the worshipers to take his presence across the land. …

And so listen, I just have a burning in my spirit. I've been praying and fasting this week leading up to these three capital cities, Minnesota, Ohio and Michigan. And I want to call the crazy people. I want to call the madman for Jesus, the mad women for Jesus, those that are pricked in their spirit, those that are not okay with the current narrative of what's happening in America. If you're out there, please join me.

Jezebel—often portrayed as a demonic spirit—is a frequent topic of New Apostolic Reformation figures like Lance Wallnau, who recently claimed that Vice President Kamala Harris represents “the spirit of Jezebel.”


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