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Scarborough: Gay Marriage Will Make It 'Illegal' To 'Share The Gospel'

On his radio program today, Family Talk's James Dobson hosted a discussion with Rick Scarborough of Vision America, Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel, and Tim Wildmon of the American Family Association about how anti-gay Christians should react if the Supreme Court strikes down state bans on gay marriage.

As usual, most of the talk revolved around the call for right-wing Christians to engage in civil disobedience and resist any such ruling but, at one point, Scarborough and Dobson went off on a tangent, attacking President Obama for voicing his support for bans on "ex-gay" conversion therapy for minors, with Scarborough fuming that such bans will outlaw the teaching of the Gospel and are turning America into a nation like Saudi Arabia.

Scarborough said that if the Supreme Court strikes down gay marriage bans, then "our nation is now sanctioning a lifestyle that God forbids." He warned that such a ruling will endanger children by telling them that such relationships are okay while making it "illegal for me to share the Gospel with a child."

"That child grows up in his life never knowing right from wrong from a biblical perspective and they die and crash into Hell," Scarborough said. "So what we're discussing has eternal consequences."

Dobson was likewise outraged, saying that teaching young children about homosexuality is "draconian" and blasting Obama for opposing conversion therapy.

"What does the president of the United States, who knows nothing about this issue, have to do with telling the rest of us how live our lives?" Dobson bellowed.

"That's the kind of thing you'd hear if you were trying to teach the Scripture in a Muslim country," Scarborough added. "You can't say that in this country":