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Sarah Palin: God Losing Patience With America

Promoting her new book “Sweet Freedom,” Sarah Palin spoke yesterday with Janet Parshall about how she fears that God will run out of patience with the U.S. because we “keep kicking him out of the public square.”

“You talk about how we’ve turned our back on God’s definition of marriage, how we’ve absolutely trampled underfoot this principle of the sanctity of human life,” Parshall said. “And some might say we’ve gone too far, God is no longer going to shed his grace on us. Do you think it’s too late for America?”

Palin responded that she didn’t think it was “too late” because “we know where the answers are and we know that God has so blessed this land with resources and with intelligent workforce and everything that God has blessed us with and our founders knew to dedicate that all to him when America came to be.”

“We need to do that again,” she continued. “We need to not be afraid to even tell our elected leaders that that’s what they need to be doing too, on our knees, rededicate this land to God as our founders did, though some want to deny that truthful history, as our founders did and get back to God and quit kicking him out of the public square, otherwise, yeah, you wonder how long he is going to be patient with us but, no, it’s not too late.”

She went on to say that “we know that our freedom of religion is under attack today” and that without good leadership, Americans could lose the right to “exercise their own faith as we see in these other tragic nations that aren’t allowed to exercise their freedom.”