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Sam Rohrer: If Civil War Breaks Out, It'll Be Because Of Groups Like Right Wing Watch

On the American Pastors Network's "Stand In The Gap" radio program earlier this week, Sam Rohrer stated that if a civil war breaks out in America, it will be because of groups like Right Wing Watch.

Rohrer and his co-host, Dave Kistler, were discussing reports that televangelist Jim Bakker had warned that conservative Christians will start a civil war if President Trump is impeached. Kistler and Rohrer agreed that the outbreak of civil war was entirely possible but disputed Bakker's assertion that it would be Christians who start it.

As Rohrer explained it, if Congress impeaches Trump, it will be they who will have started a civil war, at against which Trump's conservative Christian supporters will have no choice but to fight back.

"If that does happen," Rohrer said, "if they were to actually so violate their own oath within Congress so as to pursue a matter of that type, driven by political means, then it should be every citizen in the country—Christian or not—to stand up and oppose that kind of flagrant violation of the obligations of those who are in Congress, who are the only ones who have the ability to take an raise the matter of impeachment or to pursue it."

"If there is something that happens," he added, "it's not the Christians who are starting it, it's those who are seeking the destruction of America who are starting it. The question is will Christians stand by at the point and watch it happen or allow it to happen? I would say on that regard, Bakker is probably right. I think they would not stand by and watch it happen, but they're not going to be the ones to start it."

When Kistler asked Rohrer to specifically name "the groups that are behind this brewing civil war," Roher said that it is people like Barack Obama along with Marxist groups who "are trying to rewrite out history, purge our nation of references to God or prayer ... like the Southern Poverty Law Center, even Right Wing Watch themselves, these are organizations that are really about furthering the removal and rewriting of history as it would relate to our Judeo-Christian heritage."