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Sam Rohrer: Gay Rights Activists Don't Realize They've 'Lost Great, Great Freedom' With Gay Marriage Ruling

Sam Rohrer of the American Pastors Network appeared on The Dove TV yesterday to discuss the Supreme Court decision striking down state bans on gay marriage, where he and host Perry Atkinson warned that the ruling will eventually lead to churches losing their tax-exempt status, having their ministry broadcasts shut down, and seeing their pastors hauled off to jail.

But, Rohrer warned, it is not just anti-gay Christians who have lost their freedom as a result of this ruling, but the entire nation because freedom only exists because of God and America has just booted God out and effectively turned itself into a dictatorship.

"If you want to say, 'God, I don't need you,' then God says, 'Fine, you just go have your own way but you're also going to suffer the consequences of having your own way,'" Rohrer said. "They don't understand, I don't believe, what the end result is going to be because they themselves are going to lose the civil freedom to do a lot of the things in their life that they would like to do that they think are just going to be automatically there, not understanding that the only reason we have civil freedom, the only reason we have a First, and Second, and Third, and Fourth, and Fifth Amendment and so forth is because of the biblical underpinnings that permit it."

"When they throw all of that off, you ultimately go just to the power of those who happen to be in office at that point," he continued, "and it's dictatorship. I guarantee you, those right now who think they are savoring the moment because they think they have won have actually lost great, great freedom."