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Ryan Dobson and Jeff Wright Agree that 6 out of 10 Gay Men were Abused as Children

Today on Grounded, Ryan Dobson was joined by Jeff Myers of Summit Ministries. Wright succeeded David Noebel, who has recently claimed that Obama is trying to “sodomize the world” and that gay-rights is responsible for the Penn State child abuse scandal, to lead Summit.

While the two spent the beginning of their program talking about Right Wing Watch which reported that Dobson, whose father is Focus on the Family James Dobson, compared homosexuality to alcoholism, they quickly moved on to using the Penn State case to argue that while gays and lesbians are really victims of abuse, they refuse to condemn sexual abuse against children. Dobson and Myers insist that by reporting on anti-gay activists, Right Wing Watch is trying to quash any debate over homosexuality, and then went into push the myth that gays molest children in order to recruit them.

Myers said that “60 percent of the males who end up proclaiming a homosexual lifestyle were abused as children,” even though according to the American Psychiatric Association, “no specific psychosocial or family dynamic cause for homosexuality has been identified, including histories of childhood sexual abuse. Sexual abuse does not appear to be more prevalent in children who grow up to identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, than in children who identify as heterosexual.” MaleSurvivor also called such a claim a “myth,” noting that “experts in the human sexuality field do not believe that premature sexual experiences play a significant role in late adolescent or adult sexual orientation.”

Wright also argued that gay-rights groups must go on record to condemn child abuse, as if their position on the subject is ambiguous and unknown, saying that “it is especially important for those groups to do it because they have aligned themselves so closely in the past with groups that do on purpose promote adult-child sex.”

Myers: This is something that Right Wing Watch has a real problem with, there are some issues they don’t want to have discussed, there are some topics they don’t want to have brought up, because to bring them up is to point out the fundamental hypocrisy and deceptions behind so many of these worldviews. The topic that shall not be named, if you were just to talk about any issue relating to homosexuality or anything of that nature, you are going to be in the hot spot because that’s not an issue that you’re supposed to be talking about, that’s not supposed to be discussed.

Dobson: Correct, I’m not allowed to talk about it.

Myers: We know about Jerry Sandusky and the whole child abuse scandal he’s involved in so I went to the website for GLAAD, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, and they said on their website there is no link between pedophilia and homosexuality. I will agree—I don’t think—there is nothing about homosexuality that causes people to prey on children. There are homosexual predators and there are heterosexual predators who prey on children. But 60 percent of the males who end up proclaiming a homosexual lifestyle were abused as children.

Dobson: Oh! OK, OK.

Myers: There is a link, but it’s not what a lot of people expect. So here’s what we did, we sent out information to 600 different gay groups and said, ‘we encourage you to condmen the sexual abuse of children, you need to do this, everybody needs to be thinking about protecting children, that children should not be abused is an absolute truth, so we need for everybody who agrees with that to say so.’

Dobson: You’re not saying join us, and make a statement on your website saying ‘we’re going to join with Summit and Jeff Myers.’

Myers: No, they don’t have to kowtow to anybody. We just want them to say, ‘we oppose the abuse of children.’ And it’s especially important for those groups to do it because they have aligned themselves so closely in the past with groups that do on purpose promote adult-child sex.