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Roy Moore Will Stop Alabama From Turning Into Sodom And Gomorrah

Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore is on a warpath to thwart the implementation of a federal court ruling that struck down his state’s ban on same-sex marriage, telling probate judges not to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples even as the Supreme Court has allowed marriages in the state to begin.

Moore, a favorite of Religious Right activists for his anti-gay rhetoric and disregard for federal court rulings, posted a piece on his Facebook page today declaring that same-sex marriage and homosexuality are both wrong just because: “Homosexuality is wrong and we all know it. Marriage of the same sex is wrong and we all know it.”

“This is ground zero in the battle for what God has defined as marriage,” the piece continued. “What He has said about homosexuality. How do you want to leave your country? Will your children, grandchildren ask why did you not fight for what is (was) right?”

The post has since been removed, but we’ve captured it here:

Moore also posted a statement from his wife, Kayla, who leads the Foundation for Moral Law, a legal group founded by Moore. Kayla Moore’s statement cites Leviticus to condemn homosexuality as an abomination and slam the federal court’s ruling.

“Founded by Chief Justice Roy Moore, The Foundation for Moral Law's goal is to be the sword of the spirit for Christians all over who don't want to see Alabama or America become the next Sodom and Gomorrah,” she said. “We will continue our battle against evil, and judicial immorality.”

She called on gay people and their allies to turn away from their “sexual lust” and turn to God: “Today the sacred institution of marriage is being destroyed by the LGBT community and liberal politicians who ‘want change’ as did our President; and they make their rulings based on their emotions and not law. Every human being wants to find meaning in their life, some find it in religion, some find it in material things, certain people find it in sexual lust; however, all they need is Jesus Christ. We as Christians do not condemn homosexuals; instead we point them toward eternal life through Christ Jesus.”

“These are the days of Elijah! There has never been a greater time for the kingdom of God to unite. Recall the story of Elijah, particularly as he stood up to the prophets of Baal,” she said, adding that God is “calling on all of the body of Christ to make a stand against the malignant spirit that envelops our court rooms and society.”

In essence, Judge Granade's ruling in favor of same-sex marriage, is not only in direct violation of the Alabama Constitution, but it also violates "God's Natural Law", as well as the right of the people who voted to ban same-sex marriage in 2006 and won by an overwhelming 81%. In Leviticus, Moses instructs the children of Israel on what God told him, "If a man lies with a male as he does a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them" (Lev. 20:13). And in the New Testament Paul warns that same-sex activity is the result of rebellion against God and leads to destruction (Romans 1:26-27). Jesus died for our sins, but He still calls sin what it is. He did not condemn the woman taken in adultery, but He told her, "Go, and sin no more." (John 8:11).

Today the sacred institution of marriage is being destroyed by the LGBT community and liberal politicians who "want change" as did our President; and they make their rulings based on their emotions and not law. Every human being wants to find meaning in their life, some find it in religion, some find it in material things, certain people find it in sexual lust; however, all they need is Jesus Christ. We as Christians do not condemn homosexuals; instead we point them toward eternal life through Christ Jesus. However, we are only a small portion on the kingdom of God; Pastors, Deacons, Youth, and Ministers, These are the days of Elijah! There has never been a greater time for the kingdom of God to unite. Recall the story of Elijah, particularly as he stood up to the prophets of Baal. Elijah's story is in the book of Kings. As you read you see how isolated and alone he felt in the culture in which he lived. Instead of conforming to the ungodly ways of his people God told Elijah to stand up and speak for him and he did.

In such times that we live in we might ask ourselves "is God in control?" Well I assure you, God is very much in control, and these days are special times when God is watching and waiting for his people to fight and stand up and speak for Him. Now we are under grace and not under the law, but the righteousness that comes by faith can be no less than the moral law that comes directly from God. These are not the days of God stepping back and allowing our state and society to submit to the rule of the wicked. Rather, these are the days He is calling on all of the body of Christ to make a stand against the malignant spirit that envelops our court rooms and society. The body of Christ, the church, is the grass roots of the Foundation for Moral Law. The sole purpose of our nonprofit organization is to uphold the Constitution and promote the moral and biblical principles to our government.

Founded by Chief Justice Roy Moore, The Foundation for Moral Law's goal is to be the sword of the spirit for Christians all over who don't want to see Alabama or America become the next Sodom and Gomorrah. The Foundation has always stood alongside God's People. We promote the biblical and moral principles that this country was founded upon. We will continue our battle against evil, and judicial immorality.