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Rod Parsley Channels Glenn Beck to Expose "Black Genocide"

It seems that Rod Parlsey has taken a page out of Glenn Beck's playbook, as last week he dedicated two of his programs to exposing the nefarious conspiracies behind both the health care reform legislation and the "genocide" being carried out against African Americans in the form of abortion, complete with chalkboards and props.

In the health care program, Parsley was joined by former Senator Mike DeWine as he exposed the conspiracy to funnel billions of dollars to Kathleen Sebelius so she could promote her pro-abortion agenda, which had the support of people like the late Dr. George Tiller.

But that was nothing compared to the episode about the "Black Genocide," where Parsley pulled out Beck-inspired chalkboard to lay out the similarities between Planned Parenthood and the Nazi Holocaust while cradling a model of a fetus and screaming that he is "outraged that African Americans are being systematically targeted and deceived into aborting themselves into extinction":