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Robert Oscar Lopez Claims Same-Sex Parenting Is Slavery, Banned Under The 13th Amendment

While appearing on Sandy Rios In The Morning yesterday, anti-LGBT activist Robert Oscar Lopez said that same-sex couples who are raising children are “redefining what it means to be human” and reintroducing slavery.

Rios invited Lopez on her show to discuss a recent American Thinker column in which he depicts gay men as “woman-hating chauvinists” who wish to “snatch away” babies from women and treat children as “chattel.” Lopez told Rios that the Thirteenth Amendment’s ban on slavery applies to same-sex parenting.

I believe every child has a natural born right to his mother and father and ultimately those rights were taken away from them because adults made a decision that the child was not a party to because he didn’t exist or was too young to decide that. Even if you could come up with some study that showed that 95% of the children are okay with it, we as a society already went through a huge debate in the United States about owning other people and we decided — the Thirteenth Amendment is worded very sweepingly not just to ban what was specifically happening on Southern plantations but to ban any kind of practice. It says ‘slavery shall not exist,’ any kind of arrangement where you have a legal contract upon another human being is banned.

So the mother-father relationship to the child is a natural one that is structured around obligations to the child, anytime that you turn that around and you say that adults have a right to a child, really all of society then becomes put into an ethical problem because all of society is redefining what it means to be human, what it means to be a child, what it means to be a free citizen and what it means to have freedom. I don’t think you can really be free if you’re born with a price on your head.

Lopez also lashed out at LGBT rights advocates as “brutal,” “ruthless” and “totalitarian” activists.

This is a very aggressive movement and they’re ruthless. I began to hold discussions, trying sincerely to engage in a discussion with the gay community, and I think there are still a lot of good gay people, but the gay organizations, which are not the same thing as gay people, have just fallen into this totalitarian mode, their mindset is so brutal and ruthless, I just can’t even put words to it.