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Robert Oscar Lopez Calls Gay Parenting A 'Crime Against Humanity'

Religious Right activist and erotic gay fiction novelist Robert Oscar Lopez is out with yet another over-the-top diatribe against gay parents. Writing today in BarbWire, Lopez argues that almost every “scenario involving a same-sex couple with exclusive custody of small children is adult misconduct at best or a crime against humanity at worst.”

He goes on to mock gay parents as “bossy,” “self-centered brats” who make him “want to puke.”

“[Gay couples] shouldn’t be in the business of acquiring a human being,” he writes. “Go to a dog pound and pick up a puppy.”

Lopez comforts himself that gay parents and their supporters soon “will be dead” and their lives “long-forgotten” like the Berlin Wall.

In a best case scenario, there is a widow who comes out of the closet after her husband dies, and then gets help from a lesbian lover while raising her children. She makes sure not to trample on their father’s memory, and doesn’t force them to call her new lover “Mom.” In that one rare, specific, unintentional case, yes, same-sex parenting is okay.

Every other scenario involving a same-sex couple with exclusive custody of small children is adult misconduct at best or a crime against humanity at worst. If it happened because of divorce, then the gay parent and a former heterosexual lover failed to resolve their differences and didn’t stay together for the children. The gay parent, who’s now a single parent because the opposite-sex partner left, has no business moving in a homosexual lover not related to the children and forcing them to deal with that new presence.

If the gay couple adopted, they did a disservice to the child, even if the adoptee turns out okay and seems, on the surface, not to object to what happened. Children in the adoption system landed there because of a tragedy and need to be placed in a home with as few complications as possible. A same-sex couple brings moral controversy and also lacks either a father or a mother, to which every child has a right.

Gay couples who want kids have become entitled, bossy, and self-righteous, and nobody seems willing to challenge them. When I hear same-sex couples say they need to have a “right” to adopt, the way a person has a “right” to a tax refund, I want to puke. One lesbian couple sent a video message to al-Jazeera showing off the baby they just adopted, and whining that because of homophobia, they weren’t allowed to adopt a second one.

The entitlement. The selfishness. The narcissism. The arrogance. I long for the days when the gay community’s visceral struggles kept them somewhat down-to-earth and humble. I never imagined the community I grew up in would end up becoming such a tribe of self-centered brats.

People aren’t property. There is no such thing as a right to adopt. Society doesn’t need to fulfill your desire to have children. And don’t tell me it’s about love. If you want someone to love and you want it right now, and you don’t want to make compromises with your life goals and build a life with the opposite sex, then you shouldn’t be in the business of acquiring a human being.

Go to a dog pound and pick up a puppy.

Instead of the gay adult giving up homosexuality and a gay lover for the sake of a child, the child must give up a father or mother.

And gay couples intoxicated with this same-sex parenting fad don’t even see the contradictions. It’s sickening.

The universe would have been better had they not bullied everyone around them into accepting these horrible social costs and collateral damage.

It was all because of something the gay couple wanted. And like leg warmers, the Berlin Wall, and pet rocks, same-sex parenting will pass as a long-forgotten fad one day. The yuppies who came up with this idea in leftie enclaves like Austin, Texas, and Berkeley, California, will be dead, and their grandchildren will be agonizing over the broken branches of the strange family trees passed down to them.