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Robert George Warns of Obama's 'Massive Assault on Religious Liberty'

Robert George, the Chairman Emeritus of the National Organization for Marriage and founder of the American Principles Project, today on James Dobson’s show Family Talk accused President Obama and the left in general of using the federal government as a “weapon” to “undermine religious liberty.” He claims that the “massive assault on religious liberty” is necessary for the left to win political debates on legal abortion, stem-cell research and marriage equality. George specifically called the mandate for insurance plans to cover contraception a “pure declaration of war on the Catholic Church” and also “on the evangelical community and people of faith across the spectrum.”

There’s a massive assault on religious liberty going on in this country right now, it is coming from the left and the Obama administration’s coming to power three years ago placed a powerful weapon, the entire apparatus of the federal government, at the disposal of those whose agenda it is to undermine religious liberty. Now they’re not doing this simply because they dislike religious liberty, they’re doing it for reasons that are deeper than that. They understand that there is no way that you can completely win the victory they want to win on the issue of abortion, on the issue of embryo-destructive research, on sanctity of human life issues generally including assisted suicide and euthanasia, or prevail as they wish to prevail on redefining marriage without undermining religious liberty.

This is an unprecedented attack Jim on the religious liberty and the rights of conscience on all Americans, it is really an outrage. The Catholic bishops who have said it are absolutely right; it is a pure declaration of war on the Catholic Church and not only on the Catholic Church but on the evangelical community and people of faith across the spectrum.