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RNC's Dave Agema: 'Obama Uses Taqiyya' And Is A 'Socialist Dictator'

Former GOP state lawmaker Dave Agema represents Michigan as a national committeeman at the Republican National Committee, where he has used his post as a platform for voicing anti-gay, anti-Muslim and racist statements, prompting one Republican consultant to call him “the RNC’s David Duke.”

This week, Agema is attending the RNC winter meeting in Charleston, South Carolina, where introduced a resolution calling for the impeachment of President Obama (it failed).

In a speech to the meeting, the text of which he later posted on his Facebook page, Agema declared that Obama is both a domestic enemy and a “socialist dictator” who, along with Hillary Clinton and Republicans who “have been co-conspirators in tyranny or treason,” must be stopped:

It's the RNC's duty to steer the GOP. We have allowed a socialist dictator in the White House and the RNC has done nothing to stop Obama nor encourage a feckless congress to act.

What this resolution does is encourages someone in congress to do the right thing. I don't buy the garbage that impeaching Obama will motivate the democrat base. This impeachment process will expose in the media-TV, radio, talk shows etc. how egregious the behavior of both Obama and Hillary has been. There comes a point when playing politics must yield to the more important issue of saving our republic from Obama and any future over zealous [sic] presidents.

The RNC is about to answer whether we stand for enforcement of the constitution or not. The RNC is about to set a precedent whether treason and tyranny are allowable and no separation of powers exist.

It will be the GOP that will be lynched for permitting tyranny to occur and not have attempted to stop it. We are seeing the overthrow of our constitutional republic and if the RNC does nothing, then we are part of the problem. If we do nothing, we are establishing a policy within the GOP that treason is NOT an impeachable offense. The yearning for success to beat our opponents is sought after, at all cost, even to the exception of the constitution itself. It won't work. If you think we have a chance to beat Hillary by sitting on our hands and do nothing, you are sadly mistaken.

Carter, Clinton and Obama were elected by the female voters and they are lining up behind Hillary, but they won't when she has been implicated as a co-conspirator of treason and tyranny for her work in the State Department.


Objections to such a resolution stem from ignorance of the process or they are attempting to protect a few of our own republicans that have been co-conspirators in tyranny or treason. It only takes 1 Rep to put this in, 20 yes votes in the judiciary of which 23 are republicans and 218 yes votes on the floor of which we have 247 republicans. This public display of their behavior will emasculate both Obama and Hillary for all the world to see.

There are 48 articles of impeachment in this resolution and supporting documents for every one. Obama can do even greater damage in the next year and he most certainly will, as been evidenced in his gun executive orders and spying on congress.

There are two ways to lose a country. One is from outside forces and the other is from within via tyranny. Choose this day what you stand for, our future depends on it. Our voting base is watching and thus far, they don't like what they see.

As a former military officer, fighter pilot and state rep, I took the oath of office to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, I hope by your vote today you do the same. Thank you."

Agema also suggested that Obama is a secret Muslim who “uses Taqiyya,” or an idea embraced among some Shiite Muslims that “a person who faces religious persecution can withhold the identity of their faith in order to avoid bodily harm or death.” Oddly, Agema thinks Obama is also aiding ISIS, which believes all Shiites should be put to death.

Now he talks about keeping us safe as he allows ISIS to enter via the refugee program and he weakens our military. He abuses the military with his useless ROE and our enemies do see our weakness. This guy is living in a bubble and is an excellent liar.

He claims he wants to go after terrorist networks, but doesn't allow our soldiers to utterly destroy them. He calls ISIS, ISIL which doesn't recognize Israel. I think Obama uses Taqiyya.

10,000 airstrikes with many coming back with their bombs and telling the enemy before he went after ISIS's oil trucks. What about Bengahzi [sic] that you allowed to occur whithout helping. Obama thinks he can solve the worlds [sic] problems. He causes them!

I cant [sic] watch anymore of this guys [sic] BS. Too many believe his lies based on a speech that is void of facts. For example, he claims to have stopped Iran from getting NUCs- [sic] he gave them $150 billion to complete their work with NUCs [sic]. I'm done- can't take it anymore!

Outside the meeting venue, Agema spoke with InfoWars reporter Joe Biggs about his claim that Michigan is on the verge of adopting Sharia law, asserting that judges already incorporate Sharia law in their rulings. He also alleged that refugees coming to the U.S. are waging “civilization jihad.”