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RNC Member Dave Agema: Obama Is Only '6.26% Black'

In a winding and grammatically challenged Facebook post yesterday, Michigan Republican National Committee member Dave Agema lashed out at President Obama for his speech commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Selma civil rights march, suggesting that Obama was unqualified to give the speech because he is only “6,26% [sic]” black.

The GOP figure, who has a long history of making absurd and bigoted statements, said that while Obama’s “genealogy shows his ancestors owned slaves,” it was the GOP that “obolished [sic] slavery.”

Concerning Obama's recent march in Selma, I think a little clarification is necessary. The Republican Party is the party of anti- racism. The Republicans obolished [sic] slavery, gave equal rights and the right to vote to blacks ( 13th, 14th and 15th amendment) not the democrats. During the same period the Republicans fought against polygamy that was being pushed by the Mormons. So in both cases the Republicans fought for Biblical morality and civil rights for all. In 1964 18 of the 19 Congressman were democrats that filibustered the Civil Rights Act to prevent it from passing. Al Gore's dad was against anti-segregation. Obama is 50% white, 43.75% Arabic and 6,26% black. Obama does not have a history of overcoming discrimination and slavery like many others, yet he leads us to believe otherwise. In fact, his genealogy shows his ancestors owned slaves. His father was a Muslim and communist, his step father was a Muslim and a comminist [sic] and he went to a Muslim school in Indonesia. It's time Republicans dispel the lies that the democrats are the ones that freed the slaves. Democrats fought to keep it, yet the lack of historical knowledge is being lost in the "SPIN" of politics. Welfare programs don't make one free, they make one dependant [sic] and a slave to their government and a guranteed [sic] life of poverty. Some welfare is necessary, but not to the extent that even illegals get what our citizens deserve. This is just plan [sic] wrong! Truth is difficult to find in the political realm of "SPIN."

In an interview with, Agema stood by his post and said that people who take issue with it should “search for ‘what percentage of white, black and Arab is Obama,’ look that up. ... You can get them off Snopes and Yahoo.”