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Right Wing Round-Up: Unraveling 2024

RWW Round Up
  • Ask An Atheist: Creeds and Candidates: Unraveling 2024.
  • Today, we're having a special Action Fund edition of FFRF's "Ask an Atheist." FFRF Action Fund Director of Governmental Affairs Mark Dann and FFRF Action Fund Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor will talk with Peter Montgomery, a senior fellow and research director at the People for the American Way, who helps to run Right Wing Watch. They will discuss with him the role Christian nationalism will play in the 2024 election, and the Heritage’s Foundation’s Project 2025, which sets forth a blueprint for restructuring the U.S. government along extremist lines and clears the way to vastly increase presidential control of American life.

  • Paul Blumenthal @ HuffPost: Marjorie Taylor Greene Wants To Censure Ilhan Omar Over Comments She Didn’t Make.
  • The censure resolution stems from a mistranslation of Omar's speech circulated by conservative social media accounts.

  • Media Matters: “I really do believe in IQ science”: Laura Loomer, Trump ally floated for a potential White House position, goes on wildly racist rant against Rep. Ilhan Omar.
  • Loomer says that it's “inappropriate for Islamists to hold elected office in this country,” calling it “a national security risk.”

  • R.G. Cravens @ Hatewatch: Mike Johnson Appears at Hate Group Summit With Pastor Who Suggests Demons Responsible for LGBTQ+ Pride .
  • U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson appeared Wednesday with pastor Jonathan Cahn – whose sermon highlighted three ancient deities which Cahn equated to demonic spirits that have now “come to America” – at the anti-LGBTQ+ hate group Family Research Council’s National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance.

  • Jonathan Larsen @ Salon: Mark Pocan launches inquiry into secretive Christian group linked to Uganda’s “Kill the Gays” law.
  • Democrat launches the most aggressive official inquiry ever into The Family and the National Prayer breakfast.

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