Right Wing Round-Up: Trump's Brilliant Gut
- Travis Gettys @ Raw Story: Bombshell investigation reveals how Trump’s secretary of labor helped billionaire Jeffrey Epstein hide his sex crimes.
- Joseph Bernstein @ BuzzFeed News: Fox News Host Tucker Carlson Is The Daily Stormer’s Favorite Pundit.
- Will Sommer @ The Daily Beast: Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi Pushed Seth Rich Lie After Privately Admitting Hackers Stole DNC Emails.
- Alex Kaplan @ Media Matters: Mapping the meme: How a viral image went from 4chan and QAnon supporters to Trump’s Twitter.
- Andy Campbell @ HuffPost: Dove Wrangler Arrested With Arsenal Of Guns, Nazi Flags Has Odd ‘Bachelor’ Connection.
- Anna M. Tinsley @ The Star-Telegram: Tarrant Republicans who want to remove Muslim are targeting others in party.
- Josh Feldman @ Mediaite: Trump Claims in Wild Interview: ‘My Gut Tells Me More Sometimes Than Anybody Else’s Brain Can’.