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Right Wing Round-Up: This Is Sparta!

RWW Round Up
  • Tommy Christopher @ Mediaite: White House Press Secretary Says People Who Are Against Trump ‘Deserve’ to be Called Scum: ‘They Are Just That.’
  • Kevin Drum: IG Says VA Whistleblower Office Mostly Screwed Whistleblowers.
  • Sam Brodey @ The Daily Beast: Inside One Man’s Quest to Become the Newest, Most Pugnacious Member of Trump’s ‘Squad.’
  • Andy Towle @ Towleroad: Matt Gaetz Compares Himself to Spartans in Movie ‘300’ After Storming Impeachment Inquiry: ‘I Love the President So Much.'
  • Hatewatch: YouTube Yanks Second Red Ice Channel.
  • Steve Benen @ The Maddow Blog: Trump tries (and fails) to explain his Colorado border wall comments.