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Right Wing Round-Up: The Battle For The Mountain Of Government

RWW Round Up
  • Frederick Clarkson @ Religion Dispatches: Where’s Wallnau? A NAR Apostle Takes Aim at Swing Counties in ‘The Battle for the Mountain of Government’
  • Just as they prophesied Trump’s victory and collaborated in the 2020 attempted coup, the Trump wing of the New Apostolic Reformation is on the offensive once again, waging a campaign in counties they think will swing the 2024 presidential election.

  • Khaya Himmelman @ Talking Points Memo: Far-Right Group Recruits Followers To Overwhelm Election Offices With Voter Roll Challenges
  • True the Vote is enlisting private citizens to help it overwhelm under-staffed and under-resourced election offices with voter roll challenges ahead of election day.

  • Peter Green @ The Bucks County Beacon: Republican Pennsylvania State Representative with Ties to the New Apostolic Reformation Wants Chaplains in Public Schools
  • Rep. David Zimmerman's bill is the latest carefully spun attempt to inject a right-wing brand of Christianity into schools in hopes of bringing more children to Jesus. It has already happened in Texas and Florida.

  • Riley Rogerson @ The Daily Beast: Mike Collins Is the Hardest-Working Troll in Congress
  • The freshman member from Georgia doesn’t have much of a legislative record, but he sure can stir up trouble online.

  • Martin Pengelly @ The Guardian: Outrage after ex-Trump aide claims he gave unhoused people fake money
  • Johnny McEntee, the former White House Trump aide closely linked to plans for radical federal government reform should Donald Trump win re-election, stoked outrage with a TikTok video in which he claimed to give unhoused people fake money, thereby to ensure their arrest.

  • Steve Benen @ The Maddow Blog: In his latest flub, Trump touts ‘the late, great Hannibal Lecter’
  • As Donald Trump remarks on “the late, great Hannibal Lecter,” perhaps the former president ought to just give up on pop culture references altogether.

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