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Right Wing Round-Up: That's Bait

RWW Round Up
  • Kate Riga @ Talking Points Memo: Only Clarence Thomas Would Let Domestic Abusers Keep Their Guns In New Ruling
  • The Supreme Court ruled Friday that individuals who pose a “credible threat to the physical safety of another” may be stripped of their guns, showing that even its extremely expansive reading of the Second Amendment stops short of letting a proven domestic abuser carry arms.

  • Bill Scher @ Washington Monthly: Donald Trump’s Get-Out-The-Vote Plan is Bonkers
  • The Trump campaign is tasking the far-right Turning Point network with spearheading its ground game despite having no track record of success.

  • Matt Ford @ The New Republic: Louisiana’s Ten Commandments Law is Supreme Court Bait
  • A new Louisiana law will require its public schools to display copies of the Ten Commandments in classrooms. Most Americans might reasonably assume that such a law violates the establishment clause and a few Supreme Court precedents. They would be correct—and that is precisely the point.

  • David Badash @ The New Civil Rights Movement: ‘Desperately Needed’: Trump Wants ‘Revival’ of Religion and Ten Commandments in Classrooms
  • Jumping on Louisiana’s controversial and likely unconstitutional new law mandating posters of a specific version of the Bible’s Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom, Donald Trump overnight declared the nation “desperately” needs a religious “revival” and called for the religious text to be placed in classrooms across America.

  • Angry White Men: Joel Webbon Celebrates A ‘Glorious And Righteous White Boy Summer’
  • On the latest episode of his Right Response Ministries show, Christian nationalist pastor Joel Webbon declared that he was celebrating White Boy Summer — a meme popularized by white supremacists. Webbon claimed that White Boy Summer is about celebrating “Anglo-Protestant culture,” which he called “the best culture.”

  • Alex Griffing @ Mediaite: ‘Joe McCarthy Was Right’: Ex-Trump Official Praises McCarthyism At Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference
  • Former Fox News personality and Trump administration official, Monica Crowley, spoke Friday at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference in Washington, DC. Crowley was joined by the likes of Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) in addressing the annual event and used her time at the podium to defend infamous former Sen. Joe McCarthy (R-WI).

  • Asawin Suebsaeng and Adam Rawnsley @ Rolling Stone: Trump’s Not ‘Bluffing’: Inside the MAGA Efforts To Make a Second Term Even More Extreme
  • “OF COURSE WE aren’t fucking bluffing.” That’s the message one close Trump adviser and former administration official — who requested anonymity to speak candidly — wants to get across to the press and public, when asked about Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign vows of “retribution,” unprecedented force, and militaristic action.

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