- Kate Riga @ Talking Points Memo: Conservative Supreme Court Justices Do Away With Pretense In Frontal Assault On Roe.
- Jamie Ross @ The Daily Beast: Trump Tested Positive for COVID Before Biden Debate, Not After, Says His Ex-Chief of Staff.
- Jason Salzman @ The Colorado Times Recorder: Boebert Claims Democrat Omar Said, ‘We Still Need To Clean the Jew Juice Out of This Office.’
- Alex Griffing @ Mediaite: Lauren Boebert on Ilhan Omar and Others Calling for Her to Apologize: ‘They Want Public Humiliation.’
- Joe Jervis: Hate Group Appeals To Supreme Court Over Its Hate Group Designation From “Reputation Terrorists” SPLC.
- Hemant Mehta @ Friendly Atheist: MAGA Preacher Claims His Prayers, Offered Over the Phone, Awoke a Man in a Coma.
Right Wing Round-Up: Reputation Terrorists