- David Gilbert @ Vice News: One of QAnon’s Earliest Influencers Just Got Elected to South Carolina GOP.
- Ken Meyer @ Mediaite: Newt Gingrich: Biden Administration’s ‘Attacking People of Traditional Values’ by Letting U.S. Embassies Fly Rainbow Flag.
- Kate Riga @ Talking Points Memo: The Origin Story Of GOP Outrage Over Totally Imaginary Biden Red Meat Ban.
- Hemant Mehta @ Friendly Atheist: Preacher: If You Have Sex Before Marriage, You'll Cheat During Marriage.
- William Bredderman @ The Daily Beast: Paul Gosar's Latest Extremist Connection: A Fundraiser With White Nationalist Ties.
- Bob Brigham @ Raw Story: Anti-vaxxers are wearing Yellow Stars of David to protest coronavirus vaccines.
- Oliver Willis @ The American Independent: White supremacists rally behind Ron DeSantis' crusade against Twitter.
- Michelangelo Signorile: Tucker Carlson's pathological obsession with homosexuality, exposed.
- Steve Benen @ The Maddow Blog: Why Arizona's election 'audit' matters (even outside of Arizona).
- Media Matters: CNN's Rick Santorum: “There isn't much Native American culture in American culture.”
Right Wing Round-Up: Red Meat for Conspiracy Theorists