Right Wing Round-Up: Normalizing Corruption
- Paul Gordon @ The Hill: A disgraced Senate and president have no business confirming judges.
- Media Matters: Michael Savage attacks “evil” Bernie Sanders' Jewishness, says Sanders is racist at the core and fears white people.
- Aaron Rupar @ Vox: Trump’s latest pardons show how quickly he’s normalizing corruption.
- Cristina Cabrera @ Talking Points Memo: Trump Drags Comey Into His Griping About Blagojevich’s Prison Sentence.
- Nick R. Martin @ The Informant: No bail for Augustus Invictus.
- Ken Meyer @ Mediaite: The Hill Rebukes John Solomon’s Ukraine Work and Admits Mistakes in Oversight of His Columns.
- Nico Hines @ The Daily Beast: Trump Offered Assange Pardon if He Covered Up Russian Hack, WikiLeaks Founder’s Lawyer Claims.