- Tim Dickinson @ Rolling Stone: Evil Mermaids, Demons, and Donald: This Pro-Trump Conference Got Real Weird.
- Steve Benen @ The Maddow Blog: GOP ‘living in its own universe’ with reactions to Durham report.
- Steve Reilly @ The Messenger: Five Republican Signers of ‘No Earmarks Pledge’ Are Requesting More Than $175 Million in Earmarks.
- Josh Israel @ The American Independent: GOP Senate candidate 'kind of hoping' US military will intervene in 2024 elections.
- Erik Maulbetsch @ The Colorado Times Recorder: CO Lawmaker Says He’s Going To ‘Buy Guns And Grind the Serial Numbers Off.’
- John Knefel and Sophie Lawton @ Media Matters: Conservative pundits are increasingly open about who they think should be killed.
- Jordan Green @ Raw Story: Anti-trans activists lock arms with North Carolina GOP gubernatorial frontrunner.
Right Wing Round-Up: Kind of Hoping