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Right Wing Round-Up: From The Fringe To The Mainstream

RWW Round Up
  • Matthew D. Taylor and Paul A. Djupe@ Religion News Service: How Trumpism has pushed a fringe charismatic theology into the mainstream
  • Charismatic Christian prophets have gained new influence since becoming identified with the former president.

  • Jerod MacDonald-Evoy @ The Arizona Mirror: Anthony Kern can no longer use broadcast facilities after using them to join a pro-Hitler talk show
  • A Glendale Republican lawmaker is no longer allowed to access legislative broadcast equipment after the Arizona Mirror reported on May 3 that he used the Senate’s broadcast studio to appear on a far-right talk show last week with a host who has declared Adolf Hitler a “hero.”

  • Angry White Men: BlazeTV Host Lauren Chen Defends Claims That Jews ‘Killed Jesus’ And ‘Control’ The Media
  • For the second time, BlazeTV host Lauren Chen joined a livestream with Nico Kenn De Balinthazy (a.k.a. “Sneako”), a misogynistic, pro-Hitler Internet personality. During the broadcast, Chen defended antisemitic claims that Jews “killed Jesus” and “control the government or Hollywood or the media.”

  • Charlie Nash @ Mediaite: Newsmax Host Asks Kristi Noem If Her Book Editor Was ‘A Liberal Plant’ Who Inserted Unflattering Stories
  • Newsmax host Eric Bolling asked South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem whether her book editor could have been “a liberal plant” intent on making her look bad after Noem received backlash over several passages from her new memoir.

  • Steve Benen @ The Maddow Blog: Stormy Daniels, Donald Trump, and our utterly ridiculous timeline
  • As Stormy Daniels testifies in Donald Trump's criminal trial, it's worth pausing to appreciate the madness of the broader political circumstances.

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