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Right Wing Round-Up: Do Not Pass Go

RWW Round Up
  • Ryan J. Reilly and Victoria Ebner @ NBC: Judge orders Steve Bannon to report to prison on July 1 for contempt of Congress sentence
  • The former Trump adviser was sentenced to four months in prison for refusing to comply with Jan. 6 Committee subpoenas, but it had been put on hold while he appealed.

  • Kathleen Culliton @ Raw Story: 'It pays to be Clarence': Data shows justice raked in 'staggering' $4 million in gifts
  • Supreme Court Justices have received about $4.7 million in gifts over the past two decades — more than $4 million of which was pocketed by Clarence Thomas, newly revealed data show.

  • Kate Briquelet @ The Daily Beast: Moms for Liberty Boss in Nazi-Quoting Flub Now Runs for Indiana Governor
  • A Moms for Liberty activist who caught heat last summer after her Indiana chapter quoted Adolf Hitler in a newsletter is back—and now she’s running for governor.

  • Tommy Christopher @ Mediaite: Trump Absurdly Claims To Hannity He Thought ‘It Was Terrible’ When Crowds Chanted ‘Lock Her Up!’
  • Former President Donald Trump absurdly claimed to Sean Hannity that he “thought it was terrible” when his rally crowds would start chanting “Lock her up!” — despite copious evidence to the contrary.

  • Angry White Men: Stew Peters Continues To Defend ‘Heroic’ Nazi Book Burnings
  • In March, Holocaust denier and white nationalist Stew Peters dedicated a segment on his Rumble show to defending the Nazi book burnings and their destruction of Germany’s Institute for Sexual Research. Peters called those book burnings “awesome” and said that Adolf Hitler was a “hero” for it.

  • Eric Hananoki @ Media Matters: Pro-Trump event in Michigan will feature numerous speakers with histories of anti-Muslim rhetoric
  • The Trump-backed ReAwaken America tour is holding an event in Michigan this week that will feature numerous speakers with histories of anti-Muslim rhetoric. Those commentators have said that “Fear of Muslims is RATIONAL,” bragged about helping Trump with his “Muslim ban,” and claimed that “Muslims are stockpiling weapons in Islamic centers.” They have claimed that “Islam is a terrorist organization,” that “Islam has been and remains the GREATEST threat to the Western Civilization,” and that ”Islam IS NOT our friend."

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