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Right Wing Round-Up: Assault on Education Mountain

RWW Round Up
  • Isaac Arnsdorf, Josh Dawsey, and Devlin Barrett @ The Washington Post: Trump and allies plot revenge, Justice Department control in a second term.
  • Trump has told advisers and friends in recent months that he wants the Justice Department to investigate onetime officials and allies who have become critical of his time in office.

  • Robert Downen @ The Texas Tribune: Texas activist David Barton wants to end separation of church and state. He has the ear of the new U.S. House speaker.
  • For nearly four decades, Texas activist David Barton has barnstormed statehouses and pulpits across the nation, arguing that the separation between church and state is a myth and that America should be run as a Christian nation. Now, he’s closer to power than perhaps ever before.

  • Mike Lofgren @ Salon: Right-wing fake history is making a big comeback — but it never went away.
  • As we have seen in Florida, Texas and other laboratories of autocracy, once Republicans obtain unified control of government, they are compulsively driven to monkey with the history curricula of the public schools.

  • Kate Riga @ Talking Points Memo: All The Ways Republicans Tried To Game The Ohio Abortion Vote.
  • The future of abortion access in Ohio will be decided on Tuesday, when voters thumbs up or down a ballot proposal to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution. The abortion rights supporters have money, polls and the recent history of other red-state abortion proposals on their side; the opponents have various schemes of essentially legalized cheating on theirs.

  • Kate Briquelet @ The Daily Beast: Moms for Liberty Members Call the Cops on Librarians Over YA Bestseller.
  • Two Florida members of the right-wing Moms for Liberty group called police on a pair of school librarians over a book in a bestselling young adult fan.

  • Jennifer Cohn @ Bucks County Beacon: Moms for Liberty and the Dominionist Assault on America’s ‘Education Mountain.’
  • Few are aware that Moms for Liberty collaborates with influential proponents of the so-called “seven mountains” mandate, the belief that Christians have a mandate from God to step outside of their churches and head into their communities to help claim the following “mountains” for God: business, government, family, religion, media, education, and entertainment.

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