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Right Wing Round-Up: A Terrifying Preview

RWW Round Up
  • Payton Armstrong @ Media Matters: Alabama Supreme Court chief justice spreads Christian nationalist rhetoric on QAnon conspiracy theorist's show.
  • During a recent interview on the program of self-proclaimed “prophet” and QAnon conspiracy theorist Johnny Enlow, Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Tom Parker indicated that he is a proponent of the “Seven Mountain Mandate,” a theological approach that calls on Christians to impose fundamentalist values on all aspects of American life.

  • Ian Millhiser @ Vox: The Alabama Supreme Court opinion holding that embryos are children, explained.
  • In Alabama, at least, it now appears likely that the right to conceive a child through in vitro fertilization will be the next to fall.

  • Sarah Posner @ MSNBC: Alabama’s embryos ruling is a terrifying preview of another Trump presidency.
  • Should Trump win in 2024, those staffing his administration will deploy the same philosophy for the same brutal outcomes.

  • Telling Jefferson Lies: God's Honest Truth.
  • Since the founding era, Christian nationalists have told and believed myths about the founders and their religious views. Paul Matzko, historian and researcher with the Cato Institute and Anna Berkes, librarian at Monticello's Jefferson Library talk to me about the persistence of these stories throughout the history of the U.S.

  • Hemant Mehta @ Friendly Atheist: Sam Alito is mad that anti-gay Christians were struck from the jury in a case about a lesbian.
  • Yesterday, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito argued that excluding potential jurors from hearing a case involving a lesbian, even after they say they believe homosexuality is a sin, amounts to religious discrimination.

  • Isaac Schorr @ Mediaite: Tucker Carlson Is So Desperate for Attention, He’s Promoting Notorious Hate Site VDare.
  • Just when you think he can’t sink any lower, he plummets again. Fresh off of a charm offensive on behalf of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson is pivoting back to domestic politics to champion the cause of the noxiously racist website VDARE.

  • Nikki McCann Ramirez @ Rolling Stone: Oklahoma Schools Are Fighting Back Against Porn-Obsessed Superintendent.
  • Edmond Public Schools has petitioned the state’s Supreme Court to intervene in a dispute over efforts to ban two national bestselling books.

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