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Right Wing Round-Up: A Foundation of Falsehoods

RWW Round Up
  • Steve Benen @ The Maddow Blog: Trump’s impeachment defense rests on a foundation of falsehoods.
  • Aaron Rupar @ Vox: Trump’s lawyers began the impeachment trial with a blizzard of lies.
  • Hemant Mehta @ Friendly Atheist: More Evangelical Non-Profits Are Becoming “Churches” to Avoid Transparency.
  • John Fea: Falwell Jr. Doubles Down on His Promise of “Civil Disobedience” in Light of Virginia Gun Legislation and Says White Supremacists in Charlottesville Were Not Real.
  • Connor Mannion @ Mediaite: Trump Mocks Proposal to Build NY Sea Wall to Prevent Flood Damage: ‘Get Your Mops & Buckets Ready!’
  • Andy Towle @ Towleroad: National Archives Apologizes for Censoring Images Containing Protest Signs Critical of Trump.
  • Warren Throckmorton: Why You Should Not Listen to Dennis Prager Ever Again.