- Political Research Associates: Colonizing African Values: How the U.S. Christian Right Is Transforming Sexual Politics in Africa.
- Wil Gafney @ Religion Dispatches: Jerry Boykin, Hate Speaker.
- Ryan Reilly @ Talking Points Memo: Ahead of Voter ID Trial, Pennsylvania Admits There’s No In-Person Voter Fraud.
- Dahlia Lithwick and Raymond Vasvari @ Slate: The GOP’s War Against Facts.
- Alex Alvarez @ Mediaite: 'Fox & Friends' Politicizes Little Girls' Lemonade Business.
- Zack Ford @ Think Progress: Anti-Gay Extremists Call For Illinois Judge To Recuse Herself Because She’s Gay.
- Eric Hananoki @ Media Matters: Conservative Media Attack The Muppets For Founding Company's Chick-Fil-A Rebuke.