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Right Wing Round-Up

Today's best reporting on the Right from around the web:

  • Why did Sen. John Cornyn skip yesterday's vote on the stimulus bill?  He apparently thought that hobnobbing with media conservatives and Wall Street Republican donors was a better use of his time.
  • It looks like Sarah Palin won't be appearing at CPAC after all.
  • Box Turtle Bulletin reports that North Carolina is now targeted for an anti-gay marriage amendment.
  • AU reports that Michael Farris, Concerned Women for America, the Eagle Forum and other right-wingers are once again pushing for a Parental Rights Amendment.
  • Media Matters catches Fox News passing off a GOP press release as its own research - typos and all.
  • Finally, via Show Me Progress we get this article quoting Missouri state Rep. Bryan Stevenson declaring Freedom of Choice Act to be the most egregious federal power grab since the “War of Northern Aggression.”