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Supreme Court

Right Wing Round -Up

  • Iowa Rep. Steve King has been up in arms since the state's Supreme Court ruling on marriage, saying it is making it more likely that he'll run for Governor next year. Steve Benen takes on King's assertion that letting gay people can get married will lead to the downfall of civilization.
  • On a related note, John Aravosis posted a good video of Iowa Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal saying he won't take part in any effort to overturn the ruling, while My DD reports that Iowa Governor Chet Culver has also stated that he will not support a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage in the state.
  • Publius is doing a good job of taking on Ed Whelan's attacks on State Department nominee Harold Koh.
  • Good as You notes that the line between Westboro Baptist Church and Matt Barber is getting thinner by the day.
  • Andrew Sullivan responds to this remarkably dismissive National Review editorial on "The Future of Marriage" by noting that "as far as National Review is concerned, homosexuals can go to hell."
  • When I read the transcript of this interview that Rick Warren gave to Hugh Hewitt, I assumed that he didn't really liken Democrats to prostitutes and that the transcript only made it seem that way, but after listening to the audio posted by Think Progress, I am not so sure.